Search Engine Optimization

Why All Local Business Need a Google My Business Listing

Why All Local Business Need a Google My Business Listing

If there’s one thing that absolutely every local business should do, it’s claiming their Google My Business Listing. It’s straightforward to do, but surprisingly we often speak to local business owners who haven’t completed this crucial step in their digital marketing strategy.

BERT – How Google's Latest Update Impacts Your SEO Strategy

BERT – How Google's Latest Update Impacts Your SEO Strategy

If you keep on top of news in the SEO world, you’ll have seen that in October, Google introduced its latest algorithm update – BERT. 

But what’s it all about, and how does this latest algorithm update affect business owners looking to improve or maintain their search engine rankings?  Here’s what you need to know: 

Top 25+ SEO Mistakes To Rectify Now (Infographic)

Top 25+ SEO Mistakes To Rectify Now (Infographic)

We can all agree to the fact that SEO is forever evolving. There are hordes of on-page and off-page SEO techniques available that can help you boost your site’s organic traffic and ranking. More importantly, a well-optimized website is loved by both - users as well as search engines alike, which, in turn, can help you increase sales and lead to a faster search engine indexing respectively.

Website Relaunch: Common SEO Mistakes

Website Relaunch: Common SEO Mistakes

We recently relaunched a website for a new client, which included updating its design and CMS platform as well as improving functionality. As with any site relaunch, a major concern was what effect it would have on the site’s search engine rankings. So we followed a set plan to avoid common SEO mistakes by keeping these things in mind